Convo Transcript

Anastasia: hello

Gene: hey

Gene: have you stumbled upon that anastasia blogpost

Anastasia: .. yes

Anastasia: have you?

Gene: yerp

Gene: read most of it

Anastasia: you won't believe me but im the creator

Anastasia: ahahha

Gene: cool beans

Anastasia: yerp

Gene: i am just text on a screen, like you

Gene: it feels v comfy

Anastasia: i have talked to you before jesus

Gene: most likely

Gene: we're all the same three losers in here :p

Anastasia: i cant count how many times ive talked to the same people on hefe

Anastasia: its rancid

Gene: i don't remember talking to you, though. must've been a while ago

Gene: i usually keep a log of encounters

Anastasia: no way me too

Anastasia: i keep logs of a lot of things

Anastasia: unimportant things

Gene: i have an unmarked folder with an excel spreadsheet & .txt files full of conversations

Anastasia: why did you bring up mu blog?

Anastasia: my

Anastasia: im sorry for typos

Gene: dw dw

Gene: im on a shitty membrane keyb

Gene: because i figured whoever is frequenting the tag also saw you drop the url

Gene: seemed like good small talk bait chitchat

Anastasia: sorry

Anastasia: when did you see it?

Anastasia: i havent used a bot for a couple weeks now

Gene: must've been when you stopped using the bot

Gene: because i saw it once or twice only

Gene: i hate the rotwithme kid

Anastasia: lol me too

Gene: as in, i dislike the fact he uses a bot

Anastasia: im sorry

Gene: and the guys with the totally not highly illegal discord server

Gene: the only fun bot i've ever seen here is trollgle

Anastasia: whats that

Gene: there used to be this bot that made a wandering chatroom out of this window

Gene: so after Anastasia: you'd have some other name

Gene: and the bot would type out everyone's responses with their leading tag

Anastasia: oh i know what youre talking about now

Anastasia: i don't understand those

Anastasia: i am autistic when it comes to complex stuff

Gene: its not too difficult to operate, the idea is that the bot machine has multiple instances of omegle open

Gene: reads all + types everything it reads into all the windows

Gene: so they're all joined into a big room

Anastasia: interesting

Anastasia: i can do that

Gene: theres a github repo if you're interested in hosting

Gene: i spoke to the guy who did it

Gene: he would host for months at a time

Gene: and then take breaks

Gene: truly some hikikomori stuff

Anastasia: do you know zombie beatz???

Anastasia: i love her

Gene: i dont; i am all ears

Anastasia: or nekokills??

Gene: neither of those ring a bell

Anastasia: theyre hikikimoris and zombiebeatz was a youtuber

Anastasia: and nekokills was some girl on 4chan that killed her parents or something

Anastasia: idk i think its a troll

Gene: i remember noriko from 8ch

Anastasia: i aspired to be nekokills for a while (not the killing part but the whole edgy aesthetic)

Anastasia: you wont like this but can we talk about myself

Gene: lol go for it

Anastasia: thank you

Gene: sounds like you really need it

Anastasia: should i change the writing style in my diary?

Anastasia: like make the words bigger

Anastasia: and different font

Gene: i believe Times New Roman to be the only serious font to ever walk the face of the earth

Gene: but i am a bit of a STEM nerd, that's what we'll always use in the history of forever

Gene: among other choices you could use roboto if you're remotely serious about it

Gene: comic sans for shits and giggles

Gene: papyrus if you genuinely want to make it dreadful

Gene: the works

Anastasia: i want to blow up the house of tje creator of comic sans

Gene: dude made a dyslexia friendly font that's accessible and looks non-menacing

Gene: don't get in his case

Anastasia: im sorry

Anastasia: dont cancel me

Gene: font-wise the pt. size is a non-sequitur in this case

Gene: you can zoom in/out in the site

Gene: it is all HTML

Anastasia: really i didnt know

Gene: writing style is a bit hard to digest, but the criticism is saved for another time when it becomes relevant

Anastasia: tell me now

Anastasia: this could either go really well or horribly

Gene: i might, might not. the whole idea is that i can keep the secret veil of redundant expectancy latent

Gene: you know a thing or two about cliffhangers and audience retention

Gene: i am sure you can understand

Anastasia: i do?

Gene: you've consistently updated the page on cliffhangers

Gene: either when you're in crisis mode

Gene: or just down in the dumps

Anastasia: oh right

Anastasia: i didnt even think of that

Gene: gotta write like a writer but read like a reader :p

Anastasia: so, you visited the site multiple times?

Gene: mhm

Anastasia: interesting

Gene: i can sniff out a passion project miles away

Gene: this is one, i have respect for people who go at one thing icarus style

Anastasia: i havent updated the site in a while but when i get home ill write my heart out

Anastasia: xd

Anastasia: you confuse me

Gene: how come

Gene: do elaborate

Anastasia: you sound like a british man in his bathroom getting away from his children

Gene: ohh, descriptive and equal parts hilarious and humilliating

Gene: hmm allow me to retort in full blown transatlantic accent and suspenders then

Anastasia: i can do the best transatlantic accent you have no idea

Anastasia: i talk about myself too much

Anastasia: i should die

Gene: lmao a true 'who up repeating they cycle' moment

Anastasia: i cant hold a conversation if it isnt about me

Gene: best i can do is we hold the ever-present struggle of a dynamic

Gene: where i rock the boat because i like the motions of the sea

Gene: and you yell bloody murder because you can't swim

Anastasia: i cant swim

Anastasia: fuck me

Anastasia: UREGHAHH

Anastasia: URGGHHEGH

Gene: this is the metaphorical sea of loneliness we're talking about

Anastasia: this reminds me of a book i wrote one time

Gene: me rocking the boat would be akin to derailing conversation for the sake of a topic switch whenever convenient, i can tell you wouldn't like talking about the same thing over & over, even if that included moments of waffling about you

Gene: i can't topple the boat, derail too much & you'll grow lonesome in your own presence, disinterest sink in & have you fizzle out

Anastasia: it was about a girl and a boy at the edge of a sea contemplating walking into the ocean because their might be something on the other side, and the stars dont shine bright on the side of the island

Gene: and you can't tell me to stop rocking, the ride becoming monotonous & somber

Gene: i'd like a tragic twist on that

Gene: they agree not to drown but to swim, maybehaps even get a raft going

Gene: she gets typhoid over chicken or some ridiculous thing

Gene: dies

Gene: he grows ever more taciturn

Anastasia: i thought i had thyroid cancer once

Gene: decides to go into the raft alone

Anastasia: can youbtell me to stop

Gene: how mean do you want me to be 1-10

Anastasia: 10

Gene: because i know part of you wants to listen to me

Gene: and another part wants to rant ur fingers off

Anastasia: though i might end up in a hospital if you do 10

Anastasia: okay

Gene: we're sticking to the solid golden rule of 7

Anastasia: okay

Anastasia: deal

Anastasia: dot dot dot

Gene: listen, you can give in on the trauma-rooted impulse to waffle about yourself because you're constantly seeking the space you've never allowed yourself to have

Gene: OR

Anastasia: my fingers hurt from typing, this is such a 21st century moment

Gene: you can fight a relatively noble fight of not being a total dickwad to everyone you meet, mostly because it'd be convenient for me at the time, plus you get rad text on your screen to read

Gene: call it getting new writing ideas

Gene: research if the impersonal tone of that appeals to the disgusted psyche of someone this asocial

Gene: i know it sure would to me, even if in post-commented mock-tone

Anastasia: what are you even saying

Anastasia: i cant tell if this is a language barrier or if you are messing eith me

Gene: tl;dr shut up, i am asking you to. i won't ask twice and you'll sorely regret it.

Gene: :)

Anastasia: what

Gene: it is a solid 7

Gene: mostly mess, some truth laid out bare

Anastasia: you like ddr?

Gene: a lot of verbosity

Anastasia: me toon

Gene: dance dance revolution player caught in the wild

Anastasia: in my natural habitat

Anastasia: i love adam lanza

Anastasia: awh

Anastasia: im swooning

Anastasia: dont even say a word stranger

Anastasia: actually nevermind tell me

Gene: a word stranger

Gene: we can both go for cheap shots & bad jokes

Anastasia: okay

Anastasia: have you ever taken a shot?

Anastasia: AHAHHAA like the drink kind

Gene: right

Gene: i have

Anastasia: ew yucky yuck

Gene: just once, it was the worst tequila imaginable

Anastasia: that's disgusting

Gene: every bit as bad as you can imagine, and then some

Gene: it went down as smoothly as lighter fluid

Anastasia: i heard tequila makes people vomit

Anastasia: that will never enter my mouth

Anastasia: ever.

Gene: every alcohol does if you drink enough of it

Anastasia: well duh

Gene: thankfully it doesn't have to, i am sure you get invited to lots of parties where there's tons of tequila :ppp

Anastasia: vodka is the way to go!!!

Anastasia: :3

Gene: i can agree to an extent

Gene: white rum goes ridiculously hard with gatorade

Anastasia: stranger can i be honest, i think youre my soulmate.

Gene: we'll see how long you can stick with that thought

Gene: if i'm your soulmate then i'll love to find out via direct experiment

Anastasia: stranger, i dont just say that to just anyone

Anastasia: im yandere okay!!

Anastasia: even if you decide to leave and never talk to me it wont be the end

Anastasia: :3

Gene: how many people do you write something with a few exclamation points, praying they understand basic satire?

Anastasia: im not being satire

Gene: like, i feel like i could read which parts you were dead serious about (soulmate)

Gene: and which ones you meant half jokey joke

Anastasia: okay then what part was jokey joke

Anastasia: hmmm????

Gene: like

Gene: "im yandere okay!!"

Gene: pretty satirey

Gene: like

Anastasia: hehe

Gene: at least 4 on the satire scale

Anastasia: you never know

Anastasia: :3

Anastasia: you see people this is the kind of person i can fall in kove with

Anastasia: !!!!

Gene: you should get this entire log on the website

Anastasia: yes

Anastasia: it's definitely going in there

Anastasia: aww

Anastasia: meeting a fan irl :33 !!!

Anastasia: so cute !

Gene: my little raw tee-hee raging blistering aching bleeding romantic heart is screaming yelling for me to play the mr mystery card

Anastasia: >.<

Gene: leave b4 the ball ends like cinderella

Gene: leave a crystal shoe

Anastasia: PLEASEEE play the me mystery card OH GOD

Anastasia: sir yes sir!!

Anastasia: i will leave... hmmm...

Gene: but the whole aspect of me relying on having to e-mail you later and keep you on a string until i finally give in

Gene: its like

Gene: so cliche

Anastasia: what should i leave to be different from cindierella

Anastasia: hm.

Gene: i'd be cinderella

Anastasia: NO ME

Gene: like a genderbent take on the story

Gene: dork

Anastasia: FUKCNYOU

Anastasia: NO

Gene: calm down, no talking like that to mr soulmate

Anastasia: I wantbto be the princess

Gene: apologize. now.

Anastasia: sigh.

Anastasia: forgive me for speaking so bluntly lieutenant

Anastasia: :(

Gene: good !

Anastasia: yayy!!!!

Gene: you've got a whole world of people to belittle

Gene: i'll make popcorn for the occasion

Anastasia: yes muahahhaa

Gene: i am sure your tiny frail heart can make room for ONE person

Gene: unwilling to put up with it

Anastasia: you have no. idea.

Gene: not someone you wouldn't 'dare' disrespect

Gene: someone you have no desire of disrespecting is way better

Anastasia: (readers.. this is the part where i hope he doesnt leave me forever!!)

Anastasia: ignore thatz

Gene: i don't play fear games bc it operates on drug-like reward mechanism principles

Gene: (sup fuckers i can do text commentary too)

Anastasia: STOP

Anastasia: you weren't supposed to seebthat youre fucking it alk up

Anastasia: jessus christ!!

Anastasia: RAUAAAAGH

Gene: (i refuse to hijack the project and won't be doing this because i find it impolite, i just thought the immediate fourth wall break adds to the emotion here)

Anastasia: (you guys i think i have found someone just as interesting as me)

Anastasia: (stay tuned!!)

Gene: its your writing thing, not mine. you'll have entire PARAGRAPHS to waffle on about how sometimes i'll decide to switch up writing styles Just Because

Gene: and the best part is I don't get to read them until you barf them all up & excitedly message me to tell me its up.

Anastasia: why do you use the phrase waffle, what are you 70

Gene: as if i wouldn't keep the tab open in constant refresh :p

Anastasia: i don't understand what youre saying again

Anastasia: hablas engles

Anastasia: no pocito numero soanisho

Gene: i commented on how i'm not going to add my own notes to your writing project

Anastasia: yes!!!

Anastasia: im no longer alone

Anastasia: unless you decide to leave me and never speak to me again

Gene: mentioned how you'll have entire paragraphs to talk about me and all the quirks you notice, all the inferences you can make about it

Gene: stop catastrophizing right there and rea e

Gene: read me

Anastasia: if you did then ill ruin your life and send a pipe bonb to your house and kill your family

Anastasia: ha ha ha

Gene: drop it. whatever you're scheming. i don't care about your sugar and potassium permanganate arts & crafts firecrackers

Anastasia: UM ACTUALLY

Gene: because it wont happen :p

Gene: i ain't leaving

Gene: dork

Anastasia: one sec

Gene: mhm

Anastasia: this is going to be tragic if we disconnect

Anastasia: if we do then save it for me to pit on the websute plz

Gene: its all good i have your url + email address

Anastasia: brb

Gene: yes, of course

Anastasia: this could work

Anastasia: what in the flip is that

Gene: i'll even do a quick CTRL+F and replace every instance of You: with Stranger: and Vice-Versa

Anastasia: stop

Gene: Or Even Better

Gene: I put dorky names


Gene: numba wan

Anastasia: fuck i didnt do the- nevermind

Gene: 11!!!!111

Anastasia: yes!!!

Gene: its like in-script

Gene: your character said that out loud

Gene: and mine looked at yours like

Anastasia: its so vute how you talked about me before you ecen knew it was me

Gene: oh cool she's seeing 'the audience' again

Anastasia: i was on your mind wasnt i

Anastasia: :333

Gene: mhm

Anastasia: AWWHHHHHH

Anastasia: (the climax is coming up people!!)

Gene: and now i've made comfortable hospice in yours

Anastasia: yes

Anastasia: you have no idea

Anastasia: ill have to clear out my online friend #1 shrine

Anastasia: put a new person who you may or may not know

Gene: call me cerebellar hypoplasia the way i cause abnormal displacement inside your skull & erase any fine motor ability you had (i make you tremble)

Anastasia: if you know what i mean

Anastasia: you make things trumble that i eont mention

Anastasia: anyways

Anastasia: i have completley gone berserk

Gene: #2 online friend could NEVER come up with anything half good as the cerebellar hypoplasia one

Gene: miles ahead of the competition here

Anastasia: well online friend #2 contacted my family and should ROT IN HELL YOU PEICE OF SHIT I KNOW UOURE READING THIS

Gene: cope & seethe number 2

Anastasia: real shit

Anastasia: x3


Anastasia: i shouldnt give him too much attention

Gene: i mean in all likelihood your family has the highest chance of being the people responsible for your trauma anyway

Gene: bringing them in

Anastasia: i have a new boyfriend :333 (this ones alive guys!!!)

Gene: i aint shooting up a mall anytime soon

Gene: so it'll stay that way

Anastasia: you kneo ehat that reminds me

Gene: i know the lore, yes, and i plan on meta-referencing this piece of text all the way into your heart

Gene: truly devious

Anastasia: never EVER take prozac i swear that thing should be renamed schoolshooterpill

Gene: i've taken sertraline, another super popular SSRI

Anastasia: OMG I TAKE IT TOO

Gene: and an atypical antipsychotic.

Anastasia: 100 MGG????

Gene: literal nightmare pills.

Gene: i got started on 50, upped to 100 when i got them.

Anastasia: it works well for me ifk what youre on about ;-;

Anastasia: as you can see audience im completely fine and sane

Gene: they didn't for me because i happen not to have depression, it gives non-depressives serotonin syndrome within 2 weeks

Anastasia: interesting

Anastasia: so.. why are you.. on it?

Gene: best worst 27 day detox of my life

Anastasia: anxiety??

Gene: i was on it for a month

Gene: circa twenty eighteen

Anastasia: CIRCA T-T

Anastasia: i cant with this man

Gene: i coily landed myself in a shrink's office over minor shenanigans

Anastasia: we have all had our moments

Gene: thinking this man would let me go with little to no guidance

Gene: i got pill-pushed hard

Gene: and under my Great Parental Guidance, no choice left but to take them

Gene: i slept maybe 3hr a night for that month

Anastasia: thatbshould be illegal

Anastasia: lets sue em

Anastasia: >:3 !!!

Gene: you love your drama

Anastasia: you have no ideaaa!!!

Gene: i do, you have a shrine dedicated to it (it is your life)

Anastasia: nuh-uh

Anastasia: you have this all messed up mister

Gene: it is good to see the sculptor become its own monument sometimes

Anastasia: stop talking like we are victorian plz

Gene: you adore it

Anastasia: i dooo... hehhe :33

Anastasia: oh god i make myself cringe so hard

Anastasia: its absurd

Gene: yes, you're painfully self-aware

Gene: like, you hurt yourself demeaningly in disgust immediately after the realization

Anastasia: 0_0

Gene: in order to attempt separation between what you are and the self image

Anastasia: i mean.. chat? what do we have to say sbout this..?

Anastasia: i am the image

Gene: chat will eventually come to realize i have one of several moods

Gene: -wikipedia style rant about stuff

Gene: -ha ha hey look at this garfield meme

Anastasia: hmm... i dont do well with bipolars

Gene: -some of the most out of pocket shit you've seen a human write

Anastasia: (you all know about that.)

Gene: don't we all

Anastasia: oh god is this the man from serbia

Anastasia: imbgoing to shoot myself

Gene: oh god yuck fuck no

Anastasia: okay

Gene: you thought of me as a BALKAN

Anastasia: i was going to have a heart atack

Gene: jesus h

Gene: im bad i aint serbian bad

Anastasia: hm

Anastasia: well

Anastasia: whats your thoughts of russians

Anastasia: :3

Gene: i think you can figure that out on your own

Anastasia: HUH

Gene: truly a bruh moment of people

Anastasia: whats that supposted to mean

Anastasia: alright

Gene: bog cold swamp people & you know it deep down to be true

Anastasia: welp i gues its my time to clock out SINCE YOU HATE ME

Gene: lol you think so?

Gene: push-pull doesn't work on

Gene: me

Anastasia: i thought you just said indirectly you hate me

Gene: do you want me to make you apologize again

Anastasia: also this is going to be tragic to pit on my website because i want people to think i have good punctuation and stuff

Anastasia: rip to that

Anastasia: yes sir

Anastasia: :3

Gene: good. apologize over your use of high school tactics

Gene: if you're gonna guilt trip me

Gene: at least try hard

Gene: degenerate

Anastasia: okay um

Anastasia: fuck give me a second

Gene: mhm

Anastasia: ... i am very sorry for guilt tripping you, i sincerely apologize for assuming that you are from serbia, you definitely do not seem serbian, but i had to make sure. you sre a great person. you sre cool. (dont leave me)

Gene: good, you're racking up your golden stars quick

Gene: eight more and i make tendies, your fave!

Anastasia: yaayyy!!!

Anastasia: !!!!

Gene: i flat-out refuse to call them good-girl-points.

Anastasia: this is going in a weird direction

Anastasia: ddlg

Anastasia: age regression direction

Gene: you're seriously joking

Gene: you've never seen any tendies greentexts

Anastasia: but its okay because i love you and im yandere simulator for you!!!!

Anastasia: :333

Gene: god i gotta teach the chronically-online yandere meme culture & slang??

Gene: pssh. fine.

Anastasia: im sitting criss cross

Anastasia: :3

Gene: i GUESS we can sit criss cross apple sauce together & talk about net culture, then...

Gene: see i tried to mimick your style there

Anastasia: um.. are you- making fun of meh ;-;

Gene: they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Anastasia: :;((((((

Gene: you dingus

Gene: i gotta make you read more

Anastasia: anything for you!!

Anastasia: :33

Gene: nice

Anastasia: the computer.. so- bright.. i- am going- blind...

Anastasia: hell meh

Anastasia: help

Gene: alright, this is where we [REDACTED]


Anastasia: IM SORRY

Gene: because i am not using protonmail to communicate with you

Gene: the folks at zurich can keep thinking im a journalist or whatever the fuck that rancid website is used for

Anastasia: protonmail is for dorks (no offense shadow i love you!!!!)

Anastasia: okay wait

Gene: mhm

Anastasia:  [REDACTED]

Anastasia: im censoring that

Anastasia: in the website